About Our School » Special Programs

Special Programs


Students have the opportunity to visit the library weekly to select from a wide variety of books. We encourage students to bring their library books home to share with you. We appreciate any help you can provide in the care and return of materials. Reference books and encyclopedias may not be taken home. Donations are always appreciated for the purchase of new books.

Educational Technology
All students in grades TK-5 have 1:1 Chromebook access in their classrooms. Students will also have the ability to be issued a district Chromebook to use at home while a student in the San Lorenzo School District.

The classroom music program, provided by a music specialist, includes a variety of activities that incorporate singing, note reading, composing, performance, movement, music listening and appreciation.  This program is for Grades 1-5.

Common Planning Time
Common Planning Time gives teachers the opportunity to plan school-wide events, share curriculum materials and coordinate a cohesive curriculum for all students. Every Wednesday is an early dismissal day - 1:33 pm for TK and Kindergarten and 1:30 pm for grades 1-5.

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
Instruction for identified gifted and talented students is integrated into the regular classroom instructional program. GATE students are challenged through appropriate enrichment and higher critical thinking activities. Leadership roles are encouraged when appropriate in the classroom and in school-wide leadership roles.

Physical Education
The physical education program, provided by a physical education specialist, offers a wide range of activities and skill development. Emphasis is placed on self-improvement, participation and cooperation. The goal of physical education is to have each student physically fit, able to enjoy a variety of physical activities and committed to lifelong health and physical well being. This program is for Grades 1-5.


Student Support Team
The Student Support Team (SST) is composed of the principal, the classroom teacher, the reading specialist, psychologist, and support personnel. It meets every other week to discuss teacher and/or parent referrals of students having difficulty at school for any number of reasons. Parents/guardians are invited to help understand the student’s needs and develop an action plan that may include specific program modifications or additional resources.

Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and language therapy is provided for children who have difficulty with communication skills and auditory processing, as determined by an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Resource Specialist Program
The Resource Specialist (R.S.) provides instructional services to students with identified learning disabilities. The regular classroom teacher and R.S. work together to modify the classroom program according to the individual needs of the students.